Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS)


Details of AMR VTMS System (in Thai)

VTMS System at Map Ta Phut Port, Rayong, Thailand sole and installation by A. & Marine (THAI) Co., Ltd. Commissioned to operation since 2005


dKart Port monitoring system is the software tools specially designed to display AIS and Radar targets of Vessel Traffic Management Information System on the electronic chart, querying the local VTS database, exchanging information between shore-based stations and ship-to-shore/shore-to-ship textual messages, AIS and ARPA targets processing, archiving and monitoring includes all necessary functionality and features.

dKart Port Monitoring System was includes all the functionalities and features inherent to a highly efficient integrated solution for small and medium-sized ports and harbors, marine operators and coast guard. It meets the needs of the maritime community for reducing collision risk and the risk of an accidental pollution-caused environment damage in the areas covered by the System.

The System contributes to resolving of the following problems:

  • Increasing safety of life at sea

  • Improving safety of vessel traffic

  • Ship’s traffic control

  • Improving environment protection

  • Offshore installations protection

  • Prevention of prohibited transactions, such as smuggling, illegal immigration, etc.

The System was designed to meet the requirements and demands of IMO for AIS on SOLAS type vessels, development of shore based AIS infrastructure and IMO International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

System Overview


The block scheme of dKart Port Monitoring System is shown in Figure below in its complete configuration.Each kind of an external sensor (radar, AIS transponder, CCTV camera) forms the basis of a dedicated sub-system of the System. We present below brief descriptions of each in the text of this section below together with the description of general System services (EN charts database, playback function, etc.).

dKart Monitoring Display

dKart Monitoring Display (Operator Display Unit, ODU) is the kernel of the System. Its purpose is to display info arriving from the sensors of the System on the background of electronic charts.
The Display can also be used to control remote sensors and information exchange within the System in general.

The key functions of dKart Monitoring Display are:

– Display of info arriving from the sensors of the System on the monitor screen on the background of electronic charts
– Recognition and monitoring of objects within the System range
– Radar image overlay
– AIS targets display
– Remote sensor control
– CCTV tracking of targets
– Warning/Alarm generation according to user-defined criteria
– Recording and replay of navigational situations and radio communications

The System may comprise an arbitrary number of Displays according to the customer’s demand.
Each workstation on which dKart Monitoring Display software is installed can be configured independently regarding connections to databases of the System, access rights, available functionalities and specification of info to be shown/hidden on the screen.

Radar Functions


dKart Monitoring Display can receive info from both local and remote radars. The operator is also given functionalities to control radar performance. Radar info is processed using Radar Processors (RP) from prominent producers. RP types are chosen according to the System performance specific features at the customer’s. Both “raw” and synthesized radar image can be laid over electronic charts, e.g. including recognized (automatically or manually) target parameters. Meanwhile, safety and radiolocation support tasks can also be resolved using the “on chart” technique. Radar info can be considered trustworthy and reliable at the most due to robust processing algorithms used with the RPs


Use of dKart Monitoring Display allows connection to a video camera. Remote control functionalities are also provided, as well as the automatic focusing function at a selected vessel and further tracking it in such a way that the vessel image stays constantly on the screen. Targeting the camera can be done directly using the “on chart” technique, and so can other settings too.
The CCTV subsystem is intended to support port monitoring with visual image of the surveyed area. The System allows connection to up to 4 CCD video cameras each of which can be independently controlled by the ODU operator using the “on chart” technique regarding the zoom, tilt, etc. CCTV image can be shown on a dedicated ODU or in a dedicated TV window on the central ODU, in which access to CCTV related functionalities is provided through a graphic user-friendly interface.


The System uses the Central Database (Database of Navigational Situation) for storing all info related to sea traffic monitoring (e.g. tracked target coordinates, speeds and courses, special area coordinates and sailing conditions, etc.). Components of the System get necessary info by sending queries to the Central Database. The architecture like this automatically ensures consistency of info in all components of the System.
A rich functionality is offered to construct a wide variety of queries. Info returned by a query allows adjustable “on chart” and “in table” presentations.
The Central Database resides on a MS SQL or Oracle DB platform.
In fact, the Central Database is an aggregation of dedicated sub-databases, such as:
– Radar targets DB
– AIS targets DB
Separate storage of info about AIS and radar targets makes it possible to replay navigational situation exactly in its original view and distinguish between different targets or integrate identical ones using target integrator as Figure below.

AIS Functions


Much like with radars, dKart Monitoring Display can receive info from both local and remote AIS base stations and control their performance. Moreover, target related info can also be received from other VTMS systems and even from foreign monitoring systems. Graphic interface of AIS target monitoring software has been developed following the general principles typical for most MS applications.

AIS info is continuously saved into the Central Database for further replay.


The System can display electronic charts in various formats, CM93/3 among them as one of the most popular. Having got type approval from IHO, CM93/3 can equally be used as a transfer format of data produced by C-MAP and national Hydrographic Offices. Data are so highly compressed by CM93/3 that one CD is enough for the complete world coverage. A C-MAP subscriber gets access to a unique real-time chart updating service.
Besides, with dKart Monitoring Display software S-57/3-formatted charts produced by national HOs are available directly, Figure 7. Updating service for S-57/3 charts is also provided on the basis of new info from these HOs.

Using a built-in graphic editor allows manipulation with user-defined objects (areas, sings, etc.) “laid over” official charts.
Charts are stored in a centralized database at the System’s server being equally available to all components of the System. Storing scheme like this saves space on the HDDs and ensures consistent updating.

Playback Function

Since all info coming into the System is continuously saved into the Central Database, it can
be replayed exactly in its original form. The fragment of info to be replayed can be defined by:
– Area
– Time/ Date
– Ship’s name
– Call sign

While replay is running, the user can adjust presentation of info on the screen e.g. moving significant details to the fore ground and hiding others, etc. Original alarms and radio communications are replayed too synchronized with the picture on the screen. Time limit for info recording/replay depends only on the info carrier memory size and can be set by the operator. Automatic back-up function increases safety of info even more.

The function is realized through a Windows-type graphic user-friendly interface. Replay on the
chart is supported by the logbook shown in a tabular form.

System Integration

Modular approach underlies the architecture of the System. This means that the System is built from dedicated units (hard- and software), or sub-systems, in a way matching the customer’s requirements.
Besides, modular architecture of dKart Port Monitoring System allows integration with analogous systems by other producers already installed at the customer’s so that overall technical capabilities increase greatly.

The key Subsystems are:
– Radar                                – AIS                                – Database
– CCTV                                – VHF                               – Direction Finder
supported by the most popular auxiliary subsystems
– Weather database                              – Internet                              – Others
Each Subsystem implements an independent technological solution, which interacts with the other subsystems via standard interfaces, and this is exactly what makes customization of the System possible. For example, the System can be configured to receive signals from local or remote sensors, execute remote sensor diagnostics and control, use various data links, etc. Upgrading the System is easy too due to its modular architecture.

Further Information

dKart AIS Workstations at Sabah Maritime Administration, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

dKart VTS/AIS incl. dKart AIS Workstations at Port Temrjuk Port Authority, Azov Sea, Russia

dKart AIS Workstations at Las Palmas Port Authority, Spain